Thursday, April 8, 2010

Caribbean Value

I had some really great conversations today with my Sport for Development colleagues as we noted that often the Caribbean (and other developing countries) are not recognized for the value that they bring to the global discourse. And of course, this is not unique to the field of Sport for Development. So whenever there are gatherings of regional or international groups, the Caribbean (and other developing countries) are often left out of the dialogue - and/or if we (the Caribbean) are included, we are often relegated to 'beneficiary' status - "Let's show you how you can benefit from the expertise of first world intelligence..."

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that we have nothing to learn from the expertise of the so called first world - all I'm saying is that new knowledge, creative ideas, innovative approaches... are not limited to first world thinkers... and in the past decade or so, I have personally witnessed a significant volume of new and innovative thinking emerging from the Caribbean - particularly in the field of Sport for Development.

So stand up Caribbean people and show your worth... so that the rest of the world may begin to benefit from the value that we add to the global discourse.

+ve vibes,

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Message of the Cross

Even if you didn't believe in the story of the crucifixion, I'm sure that you'll admit that the message is a powerful one... giving up your life so that others may live...

Of course, that was part of the fulfillment of scripture - that was why He came - that was His purpose...

So what is your purpose... why are you here... and what are you prepared to give to fulfill your purpose?

+ve vibes,