Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sounding Boards

This past week has been challenging in several ways and as I reflect on the week, I recognize that it's really very easy to get trapped into making poor decisions if we allow the prevailing challenges to consume our thoughts in negative ways. Our natural, human, emotional invocations can easily cloud our thinking and lead to rash, knee jerk responses. Sometimes, even after significant self reflection, our thoughts may still be clouded by the initial impressions of the prevailing situation.

Here's where I believe that it's very useful to be surrounded by people who can provide you with meaningful responses and different perspectives on various matters. So, I strongly suggest that when you're faced with difficult challenges, particularly when your personal response system is leaning on the negative side, hold back on your response and bounce it off of someone who you know can be depended on as a sounding board - someone who can provide you with meaningful, thoughful responses and different perspectives.

Sincerest thanks to my 'sounding boards'!

+ve vibes,


  1. well said Donz, i would add that you should always believe that that most of our fears are not real, and that the "moment" as i would refer to it as that space of distress are never forever and only a small drop in your lifetime. Hope this helped. Love always your bro Butch

  2. Hi Mark,
    Enjoyed reading your blogs today. Good stuff, great advice. You sound a bit like your brother's keeper which is quite a noble gesture/attitude to have. Keep up the good work.

  3. Well Said and Great advice - Over the years you have taught me that you can always find a way to turn a negative into a positive - you just need a team support of collaborative and creative thinkers!

    Cheers Kate

  4. Thanks for the comments folks - and thanks for being part of the support system. Let's continue to provide that 'sounding board' support to colleagues so that we can collectively develop a culture of more positive responses to challenges - both small and large.
    +ve vibes,
