If we start with the premise that everyone on your team has great value, then a key role as leader of the team is to facilitate the realization of that potential value. So the question is how do we facilitate that realization... how do we get team members to bring their great value to the table?
Well, if leaders take a position of giving instructions, directives and commands - they'll probably get exactly what they asked for... and most likely nothing more. The challenge with this approach is that the value generated is limited to what the leader brings to the table. On the other hand, if all members of the team were encouraged to come up with ideas, plans, solutions, etc., consider how much more value would be added to the team effort.
Unfortunately, in many instances, people have become so accustomed to following instructions, directives and commands, that even when given the opportunity to bring their ideas, plans and solutions to the table, they still hold back, often awaiting instructions before proceeding.
Leaders who really want to bring out the potential value in their team members may consider adopting an approach where all members of staff are considered leaders... and they are therefore required to make decisions - not just follow orders, instructions, commands. The challenge here is that they may sometimes make the wrong decisions - but that's part of the risk involved in becoming excellent... the other option is to remain ordinary.
Words of wisdom !