Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Beginning

This represents my first (of hopefully many more) blog postings under the heading of positive vibes... or as I prefer +ve vibes.

So, my intention is to share daily... or maybe weekly experiences - personal ones - and to capture the positive message/s emerging from that/those particular experience/s.

Today was a good one - listening to colleagues try to resolve challenges associated with voluntary work that turns out to be often demanding... and sometimes more (unnecessarily) complicated than we ever anticipated. The two main challenges tend to centre around time and money - we never seem to have enough of either... but we keep a positive outlook and for whatever reason... God alone knows..., we stretch our already overloaded schedules and dip into pockets to ensure that we make the project successful... and when the end product emerges... we know that it was all worth the effort.

+ve vibes,


  1. Well done! How long yuh thinking about doing this? lol... Consistency is the key, post as often as you can with substance. Good luck and +ve vibes!


  2. Agreed :D Good Luck and welcome to the blogging world :)

  3. Mark, good to read up on your thoughts! Here's me:
